CBD for Anxiety?

Alternative treatment options for common symptoms of anxiety has been in the talks for some time now. There is a strong inclination among those with anxiety to find a solution that is considered more “natural” compared to the more traditional route such as psychotropic medication. However, when it comes to treating anxiety, it’s important to know that it is not a one size fits all approach. To understand our treatment options better, let’s first dive into the common symptoms of anxiety.

What does anxiety look like? This could look differently from person to person. For example, for some, they may experience anxiety in their chest, while others feel it more in their stomach region. Just to give you clearer picture on anxiety, here’s what you can expect to experience in your body when feeling anxious:

  • tension or heaviness in the chest

  • running, racing thoughts

  • cold/hot sweats

  • shallow/rapid breathing

  • increased heart rate

  • trembling

These are just a few examples of what you may notice in your body when experiencing anxiety. It is important to mention that these are all completely normal experiences in your body. There’s nothing wrong with you even though it may feel scary as you are going through the experience. Know that it is absolutely normal and natural for your body to have these particular ways of letting you know that something is causing you distress.

Now let’s talk about what commonly prescribed medication for anxiety looks like:

  • Selective-Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) or Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) such as Lexapro, Zoloft, and Cymbalta

  • Benzodiazepines (or Benzos for short) such as Xanax and Lorazepam

A reason clients may hesitate to take prescription medication to treat anxiety is because of potential side effects. It’s not uncommon for the above mentioned prescriptions to cause one or a few side effects. Some common side effects include: drowsiness, nausea, headaches, agitation or nervousness, decreased concentration, fatigue, etc. Most often these side effects are temporary, however, many still prefer to avoid it altogether if possible. Hence, clients are now looking into alternative treatment such as CBD for treating anxiety as it’s believed that they have limited to no side effects.

Clients who perhaps want to try the natural vs prescription route for personal reasons, have some over the counter (OTC) options to choose from such as: essential oils, CBD (gummies/oils, etc), and vitamins. Please make sure that if you do prefer something like CBD or vitamin supplements that you do your research in this process as far as what safe and effective dosage would be for you (if any). This may look like visiting a naturopath or holistic doctor as well as meeting with your medical provider (such as general practitioner, family doctor, or nurse practitioners) as they can provide guidance in finding a safe and effective treatment option for you.

Hope this post helps you in your path to better health.


Dr. V.


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