How to Take An Effective Mental Health Day 

Let me begin by saying that there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a mental health day. I know the perfectionist in you feels anxious that you will need to set work aside, get “behind” on work, or about how others will view you. First, who cares what others think! You do you. As far as being behind work, science actually shows that taking breaks will help increase productivity and creativity (Ferris, 2013). Convinced yet?

So how do you know it’s time to take a mental health day? Some of the signs to look out for are: Waking up and feeling more stressed and anxious than usual; feeling “off;” loss of motivation; a decreased sense of accomplishment or satisfaction; and withdrawing from or procrastinating on tasks/responsibilities. These are just a few examples; you can check out the following website for a more detailed list:

  Now that you’ve decided to do this special thing that you undoubtedly deserve for yourself, what are some activities you can do to re-energize? The good news is that there are several great options! Ultimately, you really want to focus on doing something fun for yourself and/or involves some form of self-nurturing. This could look different from person to person but below are some ideas to get you started:

1.     Spending time with friends and family

2.     Arts and crafts activities like puzzles, coloring, painting, etc.

3.     Catching up on shows or re-watching some of your favorites

4.     Connect with nature such as taking a trip to the beach or going on a hike

5.     Schedule a massage/spa day

6.     Cleaning, organizing around the house

7.     Cooking, baking, making comfort food

8.     Reading a book. Self-help or personal transformation books are great (I have a few recommended on my resources link), but reading fantasy or romance books doesn’t hurt either :)

   In summary, taking a day off might not always be the easiest choice for you, but it is a great choice for your mental and emotional well-being. And don’t forget to make the most out of your day (carpe diem!)


 Dr. Jessica


Morning Routines To Improve Your Mood